Monday, February 22, 2010

Guest Post: Meet the CHRISTUS Team in Haiti, Pt. 2

As Dr. Royer is in Haiti with the CHRISTUS team, updates on the team’s work there will be posted by the CHRISTUS Communications team in Dallas.

Each day this week, we will post photos and biographies of members of the CHRISTUS team in Haiti, as well as a prayer to offer on their behalf.

Laura Lee, CRNA, is a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist at CHRISTUS St. Francis Cabrini Hospital in Alexandria, Louisiana. She has 22 years nursing experience - 17 of that in OR/anesthesia. Her current focus is providing hands-on anesthesia care in all specialties and acting as a clinical instructor for Resident Registered Nurse Anesthetists (RRNAs) from Texas Wesleyan University's School of Nurse Anesthesia. She is single with a 19-year-old daughter, Sara, an LSU Sophomore. She has one dog and enough cats to qualify her as "that crazy cat lady". This will be her 15th medical mission trip.

Marie-Michele Barrau, RN, is an Operating Room Nurse at CHRISTUS St. Catherine Hospital in Katy, Texas. She has 11 years of experience in surgical services and currently works as an OR circulator. She also has experience in preoperative care, post-anesthesia critical care, and gastrointestinal procedures. Michele was born and raised in Haiti. She lost her mother in the earthquake and vows not to allow her death to paralyze her and be in vain. Michele is fluent in French, Creole, and Spanish. This is her second mission trip. Michele is married and has two daughters who have both visited Haiti multiple times and are supportive of her missions to Haiti.

Kevin Boykin, MD, is a pediatric surgeon in Shreveport, Louisiana at CHRISTUS Schumpert Sutton Children’s Hopsital. He is 38 years old, and divorced with four incredible kids. He has been out of his fellowship for four years, and this is his first mission trip (hopefully of many).

Please join the CHRISTUS family in praying for our team in Haiti and their work there, as well as all those affected by the earthquake:

In 1866, the urgent needs of people of Texas motivated Claude Marie Dubuis, Bishop of Texas, to write a letter to Mother Angelique, of the Order of the Incarnate Word and Blessed Sacrament in Lyons, France which read, in part: "Our Lord Jesus Christ, suffering in the persons of a multitude of the sick and infirm of every kind, seeks relief at your hands." The three sisters who responded to that call did so in much the same way that the members of the CHRISTUS Health team in Haiti have responded: in faith.

We ask you, Lord, to bless the faith of our colleagues who have answered your call to serve and anoint the work of their hands. Allow them to see you in each person they meet and to be vessels to carry your healing love to everyone they meet. Loving God, we know that the need for healing is beyond what most of us can imagine, but we believe that you hold each person in your heart. We ask that even in the midst of the suffering you would touch the hearts of our team with a deep well of peace and trusting always in your loving compassion.

Merciful God, we ask your blessings on the people of Haiti who have lost so much. We pray that you pour out your Spirit to enfold the whole nation in your love as they journey forward from this disaster. We ask, most loving God, that you would heal their hearts and minds in addition to their broken bodies. We ask that you would raise up strong and wise local, regional, and national leaders and a worldwide community with the will to assist the Haitian people for all the years needed to build a strong nation.

The words of the prophet Isaiah speak to both the people of Haiti and our CHRISTUS Relief Team: “Fear not, I am with you; be not dismayed; I am your God. I will strengthen you, and help you, and uphold you with my right hand of justice.” ~Isaiah 41:10

Today we pray in a special way for all our caregivers, including Dr. Kevin Boykin, Laura P. Lee, and Michele Barrau all of whom left their homes and families to travel forth in faith. We ask that you would give them strength when they are weary and power when they feel weak. We ask for them that you would fill their hearts with the ability to provide hope in the midst of despair and trust in you when things seem most challenging.

We close with another verse from Isaiah, chapter 40: 28-31:

Do you not know?
Have you not heard?
The LORD is the everlasting God,
the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary,
and his understanding no one can fathom.

He gives strength to the weary
and increases the power of the weak.

Even youths grow tired and weary,
and young people stumble and fall;
but those who hope in the LORD
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.

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